Thursday, January 18, 2018

Introduction to the life of McKenzie

Hello! Many of you know this already, but my name is McKenzie and since you will be reading my blog posts I wanted to tell you a little bit about myself! I have a bit of a unique background so buckle down and get ready for the ride.

I am originally from Owasso, Oklahoma where I grew up with my older sister and parents. Owasso is a 6A suburb just north of Tulsa.  Growing up I lived and breathed dance, where I competed with my local studio and was also on my high school's Pom Squad. Fun fact: I was also in "The Pride of Owasso" our prestigious band program where I was an all- state bassoon my senior year. Moving in to college I decided to continue my dance career at Oklahoma City University as a dance major. After two years, I realized that although dance was my passion, it wasn't what I wanted to earn my degree in, as I had other passions as well. That being said I decided to uproot and transfer to the University of Oklahoma and completely start over as a science major. (sorry mom and dad). I am now a senior on the track of Pre-Dietetics with a minor in Health and Exercise Science. Hopefully if all goes as planned I will be a registered dietitian in a few years!

Now that that's out the way (whew!) here's the more fun stuff about me. In my free time I enjoy teaching dance at Massay's Dancestar Productions here in Norman, working in a clothing boutique at Campus Corner, and running my own Rodan + Fields business! (The #1 skincare products in the U.S.) I also have the great opportunity of being a member of the OU Pom Squad. There is nothing quite like cheering on my favorite team in front of 86,000 people!

A photo of me cheering at the TCU game this past season 

(taken by my mom) 

I also enjoy working out regularly, spending time with my family, friends and boyfriend, and playing with my dog Anna when I get to go back to Owasso! Anna is a retired show dog and quite possibly the most loving being on this planet. She loves to cuddle, play, and especially enjoys being the "little spoon".   
A personal photo snapped of Anna begging for attention. 
Holiday kisses. (again, taken by my mom)

Recently over the break I traveled to Orlando, Florida with my boyfriend Peyton and his family, and I was able to experience the magic of Disney World for the very first time! I was also went to Universal Studios and experience Harry Potter World (my personal favorite).  

Peyton and I at Cinderella's Castle
(taken by a friendly stranger) 

Last one.....

"Dreams do come true" Enjoying butter beer at Universal Studios Wizarding World of Harry Potter. 
(taken by Peyton) 

Well that's it for now, I hope you enjoyed reading a little bit about me and I'm looking forward to reading about you!


  1. That combination of dance and dietetics is really appealing, McKenzie: spirit and body all working together! I am guessing that teaching dance is a lot like teaching writing... people are used to the idea that dance is about practicing, and it's the same with writing (although in college we don't really people give time to practice with writing, but that's what we all need to become better writers IMO!). And you will find the topic of dance AND the topic of food all over the place in myths and legends around the world. Maybe you can imagine a dancing teacher at Hogwarts who would tell supernatural dance stories while teaching her wizarding students! Any kind of mash-up of old and new works great for this class, as you will see. :-)

  2. Hi Mckenzie!
    I can appreciate the 180 degree turn around from dance to science! I started school as an art major and changed to biology. I think it's cool that you're studying dietetics. I've watched a few documentaries recently that gave really expounded on the world's need for accessible, unprocessed, nutrition. One of these is Forks Over Knives, if you haven't seen it, you should check it out!

  3. Hi Mckenzie!
    You seem to have a lot of really cool and varied interests. I briefly considered majoring in something to do with science, but decided that all the math wasn't really worth it for me and stuck with more creative classes. I think it's really cool that you played the bassoon. I play the trombone myself, but the bassoon is one of my favorite instruments to listen to. Also, all of your pets are really cute.

  4. Hi Mckenzie!

    Wow, your college journey has been quite a roller coaster! I'm glad you figured out what you wanted to do as well as getting ready to enter to work force soon! The more I read these intros, the more I find people from Tulsa and the surrounding areas! Its also super neat that you are studying dietetics because health and exercise are two things really near and dear to me and I wish I could have taken a few classes in those subjects! I also love to workout and thought your pets were adorable!

  5. Hey Mckenzie! I loved seeing all your pictures it looks like you have a really fun life full of people you really care about! Your dog is so cute too! I have always been super interested in health and particularly in nutrition so I can totally understand the appeal to your career track. I cannot wait to read some of your posts this semester!

  6. Hey Mckenzie! Who knew we had this class together! I have loved getting to know you this past year on pom and now I get to your storytelling side too! I've always wanted to be on an HES track, but sadly my brain works in creative ways not problem solving ways. I also admire that you realized what you wanted to do with your career and took the initiative to change schools, that's really brave! I'm looking forward to this semester in this class with you! Go Sooners go pom!

  7. It's nice meeting you Mckenzie! I love your dog, she seems like a sweetheart! I know that seeing my dogs are my favorite thing about going back home! It is really cool that you played that bassoon and I know that All-State is a really awesome achievement! I used to play the viola and my brother played the saxophone in our high school band (Putnam City North High School) so I know a little bit about the Owasso Pride from seeing you all at competitions. I always loved it when your school preformed!

  8. Hi McKenzie! Your dog is so cute! I cheered at OU my freshman year, so I know all about being on the sidelines just like you. Pom is a great way to get connected with the university quickly, and it's also fun to be able to support so many sports! I'm from Tulsa, so Owasso is close by. Seems like there are many Tulsa people in this class! Have a great semester!!

  9. McKenzie,

    Its awesome that you both did band and do pom! I think a lot of people have this idea that talented musicians can't also do other things, but you prove them wrong! I also know a number of people who run their own R+F businesses and they really seem to love it, so more power to you. What kind of dance do you teach?

  10. McKenzie,

    It’s so cool that you did band and pom in high school! I was in my high school’s band in Mississippi and I absolutely loved it. It’s even cooler that you’re on OU’s pom squad now, y’all are fantastic. I also get that 180 between majors. I actually started out as a Biology major, and not that I don’t still love science with my whole heart, my calling was elsewhere and I am a WGS major now! Harry Potter World looks incredible and I would give anything for the chance to go. That butterbeer looks so good!

  11. Hi Mckenzie, I'm Naomee. That's awesome how you are on the OU Pom Squad. How do you manage your time with practice and academics? That's great that you are able to do both! I took a class freshman year for an introduction to health professions and I remember learning about the careers of dietitians. Best of luck with your studies and I look forward to reading more stories of yours!

  12. Hi Mckenzie, nice to meet you! I am actually on the cheer team at OU, I think I have seen you around but I do not believe we have officially met. I'm glad that you figured out what you want to do/major in. I had a freak out at the beginning of this year (my junior year) because I decided I did not like what I was on track to do. It is scary, but it all works out in the end! I hope you have a great semester. Also, I love the picture of your dog! I am such an animal lover.

  13. Hi Mckenzie! Dang, you sound busy. I think it's super cool that you were able to find an outlet for dance even after you decided it wasn't something you wanted to major in. It's neat that you're involved in so much health-related activities, that's something that's really important to me. Your dog Anna is adorable, I don't have any dogs myself but it might happen one day, haha.

  14. Hi McKenzie! Wow that is so crazy that you were at Disney World and Universal Studios with your family over winter break because I went there over the break too. I discuss my trip to those places in my intro blog too. That is such a funny coincidence. It is so nice to meet you, and good luck with your business. I hope it continues to go well!

  15. Hey there McKenzie. That's cool that you're in the cheer squad! I was in band in high school and wish I had enough spare time to keep doing it in college, so I'm glad you get to keep doing what you love. It's not always a bad thing to take a while to decide on a major. It's better than figuring out you don't like one halfway through and having a ton of credits you can't do anything with. Good luck with the rest of the class!

  16. Hi McKenzie!
    Its really awesome that you were able to combine both of your passions. Teaching dance is probably so rewarding. I danced for several years when I was younger and I always loved my teachers! I think being a dietician would be really fun too, and that definitely can intersect with dancing. Although it sucks to have to restart, you will probably be so much happier in the end to be able to do what you want instead of settling for something else. Good luck with your future in both dance and dietetics!

  17. Hey McKenzie! That must have been a big change when you went from dance to science. Sometimes I wish I could go back and change my major, but it is a little too late for that since I am graduating in four weeks haha. Your show dog is so cute, I also love going home to see my pup, but who doesn’t!

  18. Hi McKenzie! That must have been a very tough decision to change from a dance to a science major. I know I would have been too scared to take the leap. I visited Universal Studios in California and I have to say the Wizarding World of Harry Potter was my favorite as well! What did you think of the butter beer? I honestly thought it was too sweet.

  19. Hey McKenzie! Wow, it looks like you had quite the experience with dancing and switching universities and majors! I'm glad you found your passion :) You sound super busy, but all of the things you do sound so fun! I also LOVE the Harry Potter world at Disneyworld! When I went a few years ago, I never wanted to come back. Anyway, good luck with the rest of the semester!
