Sunday, April 15, 2018

Reading Notes, Through the Looking Glass: Part B

These notes are based off "Queen Alice". 

At this point Alice is a queen and sitting on either side of her are the Red Queen and the White Queen.  They converse quite a bit.  The Queens started questioning Alice's skills like whether she can do math, say the ABC's etc.  The Queen began telling Alice about a horrible thunderstorm they had and became distressed and then said she was very tired.  Both Queens soon were asleep on Alice's shoulder and she was unsure what to do next.  Alice then suddenly was standing in front of a door with words "Queen Alice" above it.  She knocked and knocked but no one came.  Finally, and old frog came and asked her what she was doing.  Alice explained and then they started singing a song.  Alice got into the door and there was a banquet going on with lots of guests and the Red and White Queens.  They told her that she had already missed the soup and fish but to sit down and carve the joint.  Alice had never carved a joint before and was nervous.  The Queens then introduced her to the foods and they all seemed to be alive.  It ends with The Queen about to tell a poem about the fish. 

Alice and the sleeping Queens.  Web Source. 

Bibliography: Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There By Lewis Carroll.

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